Inspiring keynotes:

Kristina Lunz for your transformative event

Experience Kristina Lunz, a pioneering voice for feminism, human rights and social change - keynotes that have a lasting impact.

Immerse yourself in Kristina Lunz's keynotes, informed by experiences from her own human rights organization and international work. Experience transformative insights that bear witness to her vision for a fairer world. 

Feminist Leadership

Kristina Lunz shares insights on how to lead a non-profit organization working on human rights issues in a way that not only makes your team resilient and effective, but also influences government policy. Feminist leadership that emphasizes equality and social responsibility is the focus.

Feminist foreign policy

Kristina Lunz, author of the bestseller "The future of foreign policy is feminist", explains in her keynote speech what feminist foreign policy exactly is and why it is urgently needed for a fairer world.

Social Entrepreneurship

As the founder and managing director of a non-profit limited liability company, Kristina Lunz talks about entrepreneurship with a social impact and how entrepreneurship shapes social change.

Female empowerment

Kristina Lunz sheds light on how she has successfully lived and promoted the topic of female empowerment for many years. She explains how actors such as companies can achieve this without falling into the trap of pinkwashing.

Empathy and resistance

Kristina Lunz explains how we can drive change based on humanity through empathy and resistance, and how we can take a clear stance despite headwinds.


As an activist, Kristina Lunz has been successfully campaigning for various justice issues for 10 years. Based on this experience, she talks about promoting justice in all areas of society and the fight against inequalities.


Feminism is the most successful social movement in almost 200 years. Kristina Lunz presents exciting aspects, great successes and explains what we can all do to create a more equal world.

Societal/social change

In her keynote, Kristina Lunz shows how we can align our moral compass, demonstrate an attitude based on humanity and bring about real social change.

Human rights

In her presentation on human rights, Kristina Lunz highlights the fundamental principles and challenges associated with defending and promoting the rights of every individual. She presents current developments and the urgent need for action in this crucial area, while emphasizing the importance of global solidarity and individual commitment. An inspiring insight into the universal values that promote a just and humane world.


Kristina Lunz sees social change through activism as a tool to create positive change. Her successful use of this tool spans across various campaigns and initiatives, from fighting sexism in the Bild newspaper to her work on feminist foreign policy.


Kristina Lunz shares her experiences of what it means to show courage and initiate social change, even when fears are present.

Educational equity and personal history

The personal and inspiring story of Kristina Lunz, as a child from a working-class family from the village to Oxford, sheds light on the importance of educational justice and serves as a source of inspiration for social advancement.

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